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Zante's Bushveld Bliss
Zante's Bushveld Bliss
Zante's Bushveld Bliss
Accommodation is offered in 28 rooms that can each comfortably accommodate up to 6 guests. The rooms are each furnished with 3 bunk beds and make use of shared ablution facilities. The ablution facilities include multiple baths, showers, toilets, and washbasins.
Guests have access to a communal dining area, where they can enjoy meals. Communal braai facilities and parking are available to guests during their stay. Animals that are free to wander can be seen from the accommodation.
Accommodation is offered in 28 rooms that can each comfortably accommodate up to 6 guests. The rooms are each furnished with 3 bunk beds and make use of shared ablution facilities. The ablution facilities include multiple baths, showers, toilets, and washbasins.
Guests have access to a communal dining area, where they can enjoy meals. Communal braai facilities and parking are available to guests during their stay. Animals that are free to wander can be seen from the accommodation.
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U- Terrein
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House rules
Meals are available upon request at an additional cost.U- Terrein
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The rooms are each furnished with 3 bunk beds that can comfortably accommodate up to 6 guests.
Room Arrangements
About This Room
Price Includes
Rates displayed are on a backpacker bed-only basis.
House Rules
Meals are available upon request at an additional cost.
Cancellation policy
before check-in
before check-in
before check-in
The rooms are each furnished with 3 bunk beds that can comfortably accommodate up to 6 guests.
Accommodation is offered in 28 rooms that can each comfortably accommodate up to 6 guests. The rooms are each furnished with 3 bunk beds and make use of shared ablution facilities. The ablution facilities include multiple baths, showers, toilets, and washbasins.
Guests have access to a communal dining area, where they can enjoy meals. Communal braai facilities and parking are available to guests during their stay. Animals that are free to wander can be seen from the accommodation.
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